Solais® is a company with medical, nursing and technical staff who have expertise in laser skin surgery.
Solais® is located with KM Surgical, Dermatology Associates and Plastic Surgery associates at Avenue Health in Christchurch, new Zealand.
Solais® owns only the highest quality lasers and light based devices from reputable international suppliers and these devices are properly serviced and maintained.
Solais® also has a focus on laser safety with modern laser rooms and properly engineered ventilation and seismic restraints.
Solais® is a reference centre for laser skin treatments and has specialist medical staff on site at all times.
Accurate diagnosis is essential for any skin laser treatment and management plans at
Solais® are not limited to a single laser or light based device.
Laser treatments are undertaken by a registered laser nurse or specialist medical practitioner and this depends on what is being treated and whether pain relief, sedation or other anaesthesia is required.
An initial professional consultation with a laser nurse or dermatologist is necessary.